Steamed Mui Choy Meat Ball

Cooking45 minutes


Made withPun Chun Premium Soy Sauce, Pun Chun Sesame Oil

Pun Chun Product


Sweet Mui Choy (preserved vegetable)150g

Minced pork300g

Chinese mushrooms3 pcs

Spring Onion (diced)1 stalk

Pun Chun Premium Soy Sauce2 tbsp

Cooked oil1 tbsp

Sugar1 tbsp

Coriander (remove stem, chop finely)1 stalk

Small spicy chilli (cut into small rings)2 pcs


Premium Soy Sauce1 tbsp

Salt1/2 tsp

Sugar1/2 tsp

Water1 tbsp

Starch2 tsp

Pun Chun Sesame Oil1/2 tsp



Cooking Step

1. Soak sweet mui choy in boiled water for 20 minutes. Rinse off sandy particles. Squeeze dry. Dine finely. Add sugar. Mix well and set aside.

2. Soak mushrooms in water till tender. Remove stems. Wash and dice into small cubes. Set aside.

3. Mix well diced mui choy, mushroom cubes, spring onion and marinade ingredients with minced pork. Marinade for 10 minutes. Each time remove 3 tbsp of minced pork. Place it on palm. Roll into ball. Arrange on plate. Steam over water with high heat for 12 minutes. Remove from steamer. Sprinkle chopped coriander and chilli on top for decoration. Pour cooked oil and Pun Chun Premium Soy Sauce over meat balls. Serve.