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Distinctive taste amd aroma. Made of traditional recipe with strong bean flavor, suitable for dipping with rice roll, snack, deep fried tofu...
Made from selected Chinese plums with unique sweet and sour flavour. This is an excellent dipping sauce for roast ducks or any roast meat dishes...
Made from naturally brewed fermented black beans. Rich black bean and garlic aroma good for cooking various stir-fries and steamed dishes...
Made from naturally fermented soybean paste, garlic and spices. It is a convenient cooking sauce for braising meats with rich and distinctive taste...
Made from naturally fermented soybeans, traditional formulation with special spices makes a perfect rich bean flavour. Ideal for marinating or stir-frying meat to give your food enhanced colour, aroma and taste...
Made from naturally fermented soybeans, traditional formulation with special spices makes a perfect rich bean flavour. Ideal for marinating or stir-frying meat to give your food enhanced colour, aroma and taste...
Multi-purpose sauce made from natually brewed ground soybeans and selected spices, garlic and rice vinegar. Use for dipping, stir-frying and great for marinating roast duck or dipping with beijing roast dick...
Made from a special blend of chilli, fermented soybean and broad beans, great for dipping dumpling, noodles or making Sichuan-style spicy dishes...
Hot chilli and garlic sauce prefectly blended from chilli and garlic with secret recipe, great for dipping and stir-frying...
Delicious sauce made of Chilli, vinegar, tomato paste and spcies. Prefect for marinating, grilling and stir-frying, ideal for cooking barbecue ribs...
Convenient sauce made of soybean, garlic, spcies and maltose in traditional recipe, a sweet and delicious sauce perfect for marinating and roasting oriental style pork and ribs...
Made of selected sesame with rich sesame aroma, excellent for accompany with rice rolls, cold dishes and noodles...
Showing 1 to 12 of 16 (2 Pages)