Made from quality Non-GMO soybeans aand brewed according to the traditional method with strong soybean umami flavour. An ideal sauce for marinating, cooking and dipping...
Made from Non-GMO soybean and secret caramel recipe, rich bean taste and full-bodied color to enhance dishes with bright brownish colour and aroma. Suitable for cooking various cuisine especially braised and stewed dishes...
Made from Non-GMO soybean and secret caramel recipe, full-bodied color to enhance dishes with bright brownish colour and aroma. Suitable for cooking various cuisine especially braised and stewed dishes...
Made from a blend of fermented soy sauce and special ingredients, giving a unique fresh flavour. It is excellent for stir-frying and dipping all kind of vegetarian dish...
Made of selected chilli, garlic and vinegar with secret combination, rich in spicy flavour with sour taste. Prefect for dipping with dim sum, meat and seafood...
Multi-purpose sauce made from natually brewed ground soybeans and selected spices, garlic and rice vinegar. Use for dipping, stir-frying and great for marinating roast duck or dipping with beijing roast dick...
Made from naturally fermented soybeans, traditional formulation with special spices makes a perfect rich bean flavour. Ideal for marinating or stir-frying meat to give your food enhanced colour, aroma and taste...
One-step sauce rich in Hong Kong Style curry flavour with sweet and spicy aftertaste. Perfect for cooking signature Hong Kong Street Style curry fish ball, pork rind, radish and squid...